Why Calling A Woman Exotic Is Not A Compliment

FW_01_zacposen_fw13_07_NinaWesterveltPhotographed by Nina Westervelt.
There are many things you should never say to a woman about her appearance. Some include "Is that your real hair?" "You look tired," and the infamous "You're pretty for a [insert ethnicity here] girl." Another is describing somebody's beauty as exotic.
As The Huffington Post points out, it's a word too commonly used when referring to racially ambiguous and ethnic women. And, while the speaker's heart might be in the right place, it's not viewed as a compliment and is often insulting to those on the receiving end. Basically, the word exotic should be used when referring to the parrots and plants of the world rather than an actual human being. Head over to The Huffington Post to learn more and hear women's personal experiences with the term. And, let us know in the comments: What are some other beauty "compliments" you think need to be retired permanently? (The Huffington Post)

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