If you can't laugh at the past on New Years', well then, when can you? Death by Audio presents a night of hard-fisted covers performed by bands such as Titus Andronicus, Liturgy, and others playing the parts of Black Sabbath, The Mistfits, and Weezer. Death by Audio at The Bowery Ballroom.
For those who wish to be surrounded by danceable bleeps and bloops come midnight, the electric duo of Crystal Castles should provide a lovely fix. Crystal Castles at the Music Hall of Williamsburg.
Whassup, 2009! Grandmaster Mele Mel of the Furious Five and several new-school acts with a touch of old-school style will be hipping and hopping as the ball drops. Grandmaster Mele Mel at Studio B.
The King of Cornball Cabaret Culture, New York's living treasure Murray Hill will be hosting his/her usually glorious Holiday bash, this time at the Zipper. Murray Hill's New Year's Eve Extravaganza at the Zipper.
As 2008 passes from 2009, so does Refinery29's neighbor, the venerable Knitting Factory passes into history. Tonight Deer Tick will take the stage for the venue's final show in its current digs. Go pour a 40oz. in their honor. Deer Tick at The Knitting Factory.
As you might expect, Santos' Party House is delivering an overstuffed package of heedless fun for its first New Year's bash. The Misshapes will DJ, Gang Gang Dance will rock the stage, and in-house patron saint Andrew WK will lead the countdown. It's a pricey ticket, but it comes with a big payoff. 2009 at Santos' Party House.
Enjoy, kiddos.
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