John Galliano might be out of rehab, out at his namesake line and Dior, (and frankly, a little out of his mind,) but he definitely isn't out of the headlines. WWD ran an article this morning that brings up a few interesting points about whether Galliano should or can make a comeback, and whether it'll be received by a mainstream public who considers Galliano the real-life manifestation of Zoolander. Italian Vogue editrix Franca Sozzani compared Galliano to Naomi Campbell, whose own devastating charges of assault eventually became a pop culture-wide joke that she herself was in on (and profited from). But Sozzani was quick to point out the differences between diva behavior and racist remarks: "What happened will never be excused. You must let time go by and recognize that, on a human level, he’s made a mistake, and that on a creative level, he remains a huge personality." Regarding whether he'll make a healthy comeback on a personal level, CEO of Addiction Recovery Foundation Deirdre Boyd says that the greatest predictors of a successful recovery is family and work support—two things that Galliano doesn't seem to immediately have, despite what seems like the ubiquitous support of his talent, and the industry heavy-hitters' beliefs in his rehabilitation. What do you think? Can vocal anti-semitism ever be overlooked in the face of talent, or should the 50-year-old designer live out the rest of his working days backstage? (WWD)