If you're like us, sometimes staying in is WAY more fun than going out (yes, even in Miami!). Well, here's your excuse to go all out with an element of vegging. For their first annual Beauty Week, Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa will host seven days of complimentary facials, poolside scalp treatments and more — including nutritional lectures, to keep your insides as glowing as your outer parts! (Okay, so they had us at "complimentary" and "poolside," but we're sticking around for the Moroccan oil treatments and professional tips and secrets.) While you can't just roll up and get a pedi, you can reserve a room and enjoy the experience pro bono. Think of it as a staycation with a focus on nutrition and gettin' gorgeous! Then you can go out (we wouldn't blame you), because you'll probably be feeling so great!
Click through to get the deets.

Photo: Courtesy of Canyon Ranch