We could go on for days about our love (and appreciation) for sending and receiving handwritten notes and letters, but sometimes (a.k.a. holiday times) our budgets and crazy schedules just don’t allow for sitting down and penning greetings with a good 'ol pen and paper. And that, my thoughtful, procrastinating, and possible strapped-for-cash friends, is where this game-changing greeting card app comes into play!
Card Lust, now one of our most-lusted after apps — with its unique, artistic designs and wallet-friendly one-time fee of $1.99 (sending cards is free) — is the techie answer to any card conundrums. Once you’ve bought the app, which should be immediately, you have access to 12 illustrated digital works from Brooklyn-based Elspeth Tremblay and Aussie artist Sara Hingle. Cats wearing sweaters — need we say more? All that’s left to do, besides choosing which gorgeous iterations to send to your BFF, is to craft your own heartfelt message and then text, email, or pin that puppy on its merry way.
Photo: Via Card Lust