The Bird
Begin in a squat, with your feet together, your butt as far back as possible, and your arms crossed over your chest. With your right foot, take one step to your right, opening up your knees into a plié squat as you open your arms; keep your abs tight, and keep your butt as low and as far back as possible. Step your left foot to the right so you're back in your squat, closing your arms across your chest. Then, with your left foot, take one step to your left, opening up into a plié squat as you spread your arms. Bring your right foot back to the left so you're back in your squat, closing your arms across your chest so you're back in your starting position.

Begin with your feet hip-width apart, standing up straight and keeping your abs tight. Take three running steps forward. Plant both feet on the floor before going into a jumping jack. Then, take three running steps back to your starting point, and plant both feet on the floor before ending with another jumping jack.
American Apparel Cotton Spandex Sleeveless Crop Top, $26, available at American Apparel; lululemon Energy Bra, $48, available at lululemon; American Apparel Flex Fleece
Running Short, $26, available at American Apparel; New Balance shoes.

Begin with your feet in a wide stance with your toes pointed out, as if you’re going into a plié. Keeping your abs tight, drop your hips into a plié squat and use your glutes, hamstrings, and quads to propel yourself back up. Repeat continuously as you simulate a drumming motion from one foot to the other, and back again.
We recommend repeating this move continuously for three sets of 30 seconds each or incorporating it into a choreographed routine with any of the other moves in this story.

We recommend repeating this move continuously for three sets of 30 seconds each or incorporating it into a choreographed routine with any of the other moves in this story.

The Motorcycle Pump
Begin with your feet in a lunge stance, with your left leg planted firmly on the floor and your right heel raised slightly. Make sure your feet are a little wider than hip-width apart and that your stance is wide enough to do a proper lunge. Extend your arms with a slight downward angle, making fists with both hands. Keeping your abs tight, lower your right knee into a lunge, bringing your hips down until your left thigh is perpendicular to the floor. Push down on your front heel to propel yourself back up. At the same time, pull your right fist straight back, letting the momentum of the arm movement open up your core to your right side.

Begin with your feet in a wide stance. Keeping your abs tight, bend your left knee and lean over to your left, extending your arms overhead. Pull your right knee and your arms into your chest, then reset and repeat.

Begin with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your abs tight, raise your left knee as high as you can and bring it toward your right side as you swing your right arm across your body with a slow-motion "slapping" movement. Then, with a little hop, simultaneously bring your right knee up as you send your left knee down. Bring your right knee toward your left side as you make the same slapping motion across your body with your left arm.