Blanket coats, with their rug-like textures and vivid prints, provide all you need for the perfect cozy throw-on for autumn. While they've already proven to be attention-grabbing the streets (see what we've pulled from New York and Helsinki), and on the runway (Ralph Lauren perfected this comfy-cool look and Opening Ceremony added their own twist in a recent collection) we can just imagine how conveniently they'd stand out among the sea of black in the coat check closet: "Hey, mine's the one that looks like a crazy carpet! Thanks!" Check out cloak-master Lindsey Thornburg's Peruvian-inspired piece (above, left) from Oak for an instant purchase, or get in the spirit via handbag with the new Pendleton bags available at Opening Ceremony, with prints so jumpy and jagged they'll make you go "zig-a-zig ah!"

Top row, from left:
Lindsay Thornburg's Mid-Length Cloak, Available at Oak.
Hel Looks, Helskini, Finland
Middle row, left to right:
Mr. Lasser, New York, New York.
Mr. Lasser, New York, New York.