On December 1, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, and Alicia Keys will die. OK, sorry not seriously but their faux death is for a serious cause—to raise awareness of World AIDS Day and organization Keep A Child Alive. The celebs, among many generous others, are making a "Digital Life Sacrifice," in which they all shut off their Twittering and FB'ing connections to the world in effort to raise money, starting on World AIDS Day (December 1), and won't "come back to life" until $1 million is raised! Headed by ambassador Alicia Keys, this dead celeb movement is kind of a reality check—why do we care so much about the lives of A-listers? Says Keep A Child Alive pres and co-founder Leigh Blake: "We're trying to sort of make the remark: Why do we care so much about the death of one celebrity as opposed to millions and millions of people dying in the place that we're all from?" We totally agree. Way to think out of the (coffin) box! To donate, self-educate, or watch "last tweet and testament videos" from your favorite stars, go to keepachildalive.org.