We've clicked on a number of stories about dealing with cellulite in our day. And, at this point, it's safe to say we could practically write a book about the various lotions, potions, and treatments pedaled by the pros. But, then, we stumbled upon this first-person essay (by way of The Gloss) that's totally turned "dealing with cellulite" upside down.
For author Hayley Hoover, it's less about dealing with and more about embracing the cellulite she first developed in her teen years. It's an all-too-familiar tale of body-image-induced upset: Hoover recounts moments throughout her life wherein cellulite dictated the way she thought, felt, and even sat while wearing shorts during college.
It was the absurdity of that instance that shifted her perspective. "Since that day in English class, I’ve made a conscious effort to rewire the way I think about the bumps on my thighs," writes Hoover. "When I see a woman in a magazine with perfectly smooth legs, I repeat Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop in my head, like a mantra."
As for us, we're thinking that Hoover's witty and uplifting account should be required reading for both young girls and grown-ups alike. Click over to learn how to "deal" with cellulite, once and for all. (The Gloss)
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