How we hold our handbags is not something we generally lose sleep over. But, Chanel threw us a curveball by pioneering a new style that requires no holding whatsoever. The luxury brand is not so much reinventing how we carry our accessories, but rather turning back the clock to a time when bags were hung from your waist. Yes, we're talking about the fanny pack.
The vehicle for this renaissance was none other than Sarah Jessica Parker. Despite having a magical touch on the fashion industry, whereby any item she touches automatically becomes a trend, SJP's fanny pack is not your typical neon pouch. Firstly, it's Chanel. But, instead of slouchy nylon tightly wrapped around your waist, it's a belt bag — that is, a leather pouch that hangs from a thin black belt. It has the convenience and accessibility of a fanny pack, with the self-awareness of a luxury brand that knows it is reproducing a long-ridiculed item from the '80s. But, as the Huffington Post points out, Chanel makes a pretty good case for its resurrection, especially when you're headed out for an evening.
Chanel's take on the fanny pack might not launch a worldwide campaign to bring back the accessory. But, this week saw some interesting alternative methods for carrying your purse — including a clutch you carry with your wrist — and Sarah Jessica Parker's was arguably the best. Head over to Huffington Post to see what we're talking about. (HuffPost Style)