5 Things To Know This AM — Dec 02 2011

Angel Chanel Iman puts away the wings and looks way grown up and stunning in WSJ's December hat portfolio. (Racked)
Triple thumbs up: Violence turns into a vision in these Congo-confiscated AK-47s made into incredible earrings, for charity. (Full Frontal Fashion)
Rachel Zoe says it's okay to wear open-toed shoes with tights. Wait Rae, even sheer toes? Hm, we're on the fence. (The Cut)
Art Basel Miami: the fashion front at Dior's first ever pop-up and Fendi's art installation. Wish you were here, right? (Fashionologie)
The Hanson brothers (yeah like "MmmBop") now bring you beer, called MmmHop. Congratulations, you three. Way to make a (kinda-sorta) comeback and dry up what was left of the puns. (Jezebel)

Photo: Via Fashionologie


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