Dov Charney has once again delayed the end of his pervy career at American Apparel after his legal team put a temporary hold on a $250 million dollar sexual-harassment lawsuit against him filed by a former employee who claims he forced himself upon her on her 18th birthday. If you've been keeping up with the history of Charney, nothing about the previous sentence should be surprising. What we were surprised by, however, was the recent ad excerpted above and pictured in full below. For a brand that's had a long-term problem with charges of employee abuse, over-sexualized advertising, and generally treating women like crap, maybe posing these topless ladies tits-out-faces-hidden wasn't the most thoughtful thing to do. Isn't this what first-generation feminists railed against, or are we being too sensitive? You tell us: Are these ads sexist or just subversive? Remember, this is advertising, not art. (Copyranter)