This Gorgeous Mag Is The Bombe


There's a stellar new publication hitting bookstores next month and we're positive the world's eyes, ears, and stomachs are going to want in. Former Harper's Bazaar colleagues Kerry Diamond and Claudia Wu — who already have two restaurants, a coffee shop, a design firm, and Me Magazine under their collective belts — will debut
Cherry Bombe
, a biannual indie mag that celebrates all things women and food. Two of our favorite things!

Dubbed "The Tastemakers Issue," the inaugural 172, high-quality, matte pages feature stories, recipes, photographs, and more from the likes of Karlie Kloss (the issue's cover girl, no less), Sofia Coppola, Garance Doré, April Bloomfield, and other incredible individuals. Almost all of the chefs, entrepreneurs, food stylists, servers, scientists, and photographers contributing to and creating Cherry Bombe are women making major contributions in their fields.
Weighing one pound seven ounces, the first issue will cost $18. This is going to be one major dinner party — the first of many to come, we predict — and our RSVP is an unequivocal, "Yes!" Support the company, magazine, and satisfy your hunger for Cherry Bombe's beautiful deliciousness by checking out their Kickstarter campaign.

Photo: Courtesy of Cherry Bombe

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