To many of us, the phrase "childhood wardrobe" doesn't necessarily bring to mind happy times in our sartorial history. Though we might look back on tartan cupcake dresses and stirrup leggings with some degree of nostalgia these days, we're more than happy that they don't quite fit anymore.
The youths of today may never get to command declarations starting with "In my day..." the same way we do, thanks in large part to the variety of on-point children's clothing brands out there. With a healthy supply of indie brands, boutique labels, and designer collaborations on the market, the kids have just as many choices as we do — good choices, at that.
Head over to HuffPost Style for a full list of kids' clothing brands that are leading the charge — with adorable mini-models that will melt your heart. The cuties repping these designers are definitely worthy of their own Fashion Kids Instagram accounts. The only thing they will be missing out on is some hilariously bad future #tbt fodder, but hey, you win some, you lose some. (HuffPost Style)