Again, we are determined to set you up for a stylishly scary Halloween if it kills you—and with this list of Netflixable films, it very well may. We suggest any of these creepy pics to give you just the jolt you need to start next week's horror fest right. From The Atomic Brain to Black Sunday, we tested each of these shock or schlock masterpieces on our interns, one of which died from fright and two of which died from laughing.
Above, clockwise from upper left:
Them!: Walking in heals is difficult in itself, but running from giant bugs crawling around your city is a true disaster, but keep your eyes out for some great pencil skirts.
Evil Dead II:Words just can't describe how bad-good this movie is. Zac Posen clearly got his torn-dress inspiration from the dancing zombie girlfriend.
The Cell: Jennifer Lopez travels into the mind of a serial killer, and it's twisted, frightening and disgusting. The scariest part? He has a strange fetish to see J. Lo in Galliano-esque couture, just like us.
1984: Big brother is watching, so you'd better make sure you look damned good (sweats and popcorn optional). Fascism—so hot right now.
The Atomic Brain aka Monstrosity:A wealthy aging older woman wants to transplant her brain into a young woman's body using atomic power. Unfortunately, during the procedure, there is a mishap and and a cat's brain is put into the receptacle body, that's when the cat is out of the bag.

Above, clockwise from upper left:
Beach Girls and the Monster: Call it a bash!, ball!, blast! whatever! With music from Old Blue Eyes, monsters, and 60's bikini-clad babes, we'd call it a smash!
Freaks: This parable following the lives of sideshow freaks is as creepy as it is heartbreaking. Admit it, we all have a little bit of freak hiding in us.
La Maschera del Demonio (Black Sunday): Set in 1630, a Russian Princess is put to death by her own brother for practicing witchcraft. 200 years later she is resurrected and feasts on her descendants, which we're ok with. We just hope she doesn't stain those vintage silk taffeta dresses—blood doesn't come out easily.
Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face): A plastic surgeon kidnaps young women and removes their faces to graft onto his daughter after she is disfigured in a car accident. What? Wouldn't you do that for your ugly kid?
Delicatessen : Set in a post-apocolyptic world, this French dark comedy imagines a world where food is so scarce, it's used as currency. Enter a twisted deli owner decides that human should be his newest menu addition. Bon Appetit!

Above, left to right:
The Birds: Alfred Hitchcock's mysterious account of what a bitch it would be if Mother Nature were to fight back. Listen, we'd deal with testy birds any day if we could look as chic as Tippi Hedren while doing it.
The Others: Before Nicole Kidman botoxed her way to a permanent expression of fear, she spooked us out as a well-dressed WWII wife waiting for the return of her husband and trying to defend her sickly kids from unwanted (and otherwordly?) visitors.