Usually we fawn endlessly over the frocks Claire Danes sports on step and repeats — we’ve come to rely on her for jaw-dropping, sophisticated looks that toe the line of femininity in a way we want to emulate, stat. Seriously, some of her previous red-carpet stunners will be permanently scorched on our brains (hello Valentino).
But, we may have to dock Danes some points for this interesting Preen number. We think we get where she was going with this (and A for artistic effort), but aren’t entirely sure.
If you ask us, at the HBO premiere of Girls last night, she looked a little more high school art teacher than haute commodity. There’s no denying that her black, neon green, and checkered attire is playful, but we’re not sure if it all works together. Where do you weigh in, though? Is she stealing the scene in Preen or a style scatterbrain? Do tell.
Photo: Nicholas Hunt / PatrickMcMullan