Do you have a favorite moment in American History that is defining your look right now? The '50s—it was a tucked in time.
New York
Name: Clare Richfield
What do you do? I'm an American History Student.
What are you wearing? An American Apparel T-shirt, an A.P.C. skirt, a vintage belt, my mom's charm bracelet from when she was little, and Chloé shoes.
How would you describe your look? Cleaned-up and semi-classy.
Do you have a favorite moment in American History that is defining your look right now? The '50s—it was a tucked in time.
Do you have any favorite places to shop? Right now, Agnes B. Their clothes last a long time and are simple, but fit really well.
Anything else you're really into at the moment? Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolff and ranch houses.
—Naomi Nevitt

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