Think you know your favorite beauty brands? Think again. In this continuing series, we highlight some of our go-to lines. Read on for some interesting tidbits, plus the rundown on the products that made our list of favorites.
Some of us are blessed with perfect skin: miraculously free of blemishes and dewy like a rose at dawn. The rest of us aren't quite so lucky as these poreless princesses. As anyone who's struggled with their skin knows, the agony of acne can drive us to some pretty whackadoo solutions. From laser treatments and peels to spendy facials and painful extractions, we'll go to great lengths (and drop some serious dough) in pursuit of the perfect skin nature didn't give us.
One skin solution beauty editors swear by is Clarisonic. This electronic brush micro-massages your skin to loosen and remove dirt, oil, and makeup (sort of like a Sonicare toothbrush for your face), and promises a host of skin-care benefits that'll set any acne-prone gal's heart racing: cleaner skin, fewer breakouts, and smaller pores. But with an entry-level Mia brush starting at $119, this so-called savior ain't exactly pocket change. So, we have to ask: Is Clarisonic worth the hype?
On the pro side, Clarisonic fans swear their skin looks younger, more glowing, and "the cleanest it can be." Still, those rave reviews are all on the Clarisonic website, which may not be the most unbiased source (just sayin'). An informal poll of the Clarisonic users in our lives revealed the same missionary zeal — reports of miraculously clean-feeling, baby-soft skin, and fewer breakouts abounded (in fact, we may have been scolded for not owning one already). With all the brush love, the only con is the price — and even that's a bargain compared to a year's worth of facials and cleansers. All in all, we're tempted to toss our usual cleansing system (ahem — bar of soap and a washcloth) and invest in a Clarisonic. Who knows, maybe we'll finally get the complexion we covet (or at least shrink the kiddie-pool-sized pores in our T-zones).
We ask you, dear readers, to help us decide. Does the Clarisonic really deliver the holy trinity of soft, glowing, zit-free skin? Or, is it a glorified gunk remover? Leave us your take in the comments!
Photo: Courtesy of Clarisonic