We've been loving Urban Outfitters lately for their stellar roster of designer collaborations (Charlotte Ronson, Steven Alan, Samantha Pleet, Obesity & Speed… ), and, unlike Target or H&M collaborations, they're always launched quietly and under-the-radar. The latest young designer to jump on board is Neal Sperling, who's created a small capsule collection for the mass-market retailer which includes a $78 comfy cardigan that has all the draping and shawl collar details that you might find in his original line, and a $68 tulip skirt with a seductive slit in the leg. And for you partiers out there, he's also throwing a fete to celebrate the launch at the Tribeca Grand on Thursday, January 22nd. Expect plenty of drinks and a performance by Brooklyn band Amazing Baby. RSVP to events@grandlifenyc.com. Wait, did we say that Urban Outfitter's releases their lines without fanfare? Whoops.