First New York State, then President Obama, and then...comic books? Acceptance of gay marriage is (finally) breaking through to one of the last cultural frontiers, the superhero. In the latest issue of Marvel's Astonishing X-Men, out Wednesday, the openly-gay protagonist, Northstar, popped the question to his longtime love Kyle Jinadu. Although the book has barely been out for 48 hours, it is already on its way to becoming a collector's edition. Thor Parker, of local shop Midtown Comics, details the popularity: "You're seeing people coming in ask for an issue by name and number, which usually only happens when something like this is going on."
The fictional characters will wed in a ceremony in Central Park in issue number 51, out next month, an edition that is also expected to break sales records. To commemorate the occasion, Midtown Comics is planning on performing a real-life same-sex ceremony in the store on the same day the issue is released.
Although Northstar came out of the closet back in 1992, the fact that he will finally be making it official (and legal!) with his partner is a true sign of the times. Same-sex marriage support is at an all-time high (thanks, POTUS!), and it is heartwarming to see it getting the publicity it deserves, even if it's a little late.
(The Guardian)

Midtown Comics, 200 West 40th Street (at 7th Avenue); 212-302-8192.
Photo: Via The Guardian