5 Hacks For A Healthier Week — May 24 2015

Photographed by Winnie Au.
No matter your preferred form of exercise, there is always the risk you might get hurt. Prevention put together a list of workout injuries to watch out for, including the common "patella femoral overuse syndrome. This knee injury “worsens when running, going down stairs, or sitting for long periods of time with knees bent,” the publication explains, adding that you can prevent it by “easing into new routines slowly and strengthening the quadriceps muscles, as well as hamstrings and calves.” Living far from your job might be good for you after all. While a long commute is often stressful, researchers found that many workers describe their commute as a "necessary transition time between work and home." If you're using that bus/train/car time to meditate or relax with a podcast, it might not seem so bad after all.

is the mindfulness wearable we’ve been waiting for. Like a regular activity tracker, it monitors your steps and heart rate, but it also allows you to set “Activity, Calm, and Focus goals,” Shape explains. If it senses you are stressed, Spire will buzz, reminding you to take a deep breath. Do we really need to take vitamins? Some studies suggest that supplements are helpful only to those with an actual deficiency. There is even a threat of increased cancer risk if you take extra vitamins A and E. Your best bet, rather than loading up on supplements, is to eat a balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle that's full of sunshine. Stay healthy and enjoy the long weekend with these tips from Self. 

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