All you mustachioed and bearded gents (and you ladies—and dudes—who love them), get yourself to Comstock Saloon tonight for what's sure to be an epic facial-hair showdown. Organized by S.F. artist Chris Sollars (see some of his literally hair-raising work here) and the old-timey North Beach cocktail den, the Whiskey Waxing Beard & Mustache Competition looks to celebrate "local hairy talent on the old Barbary Coast," and the hair-savvy contestants will be judged based on their "form" and "ability to sip whiskey and tea." Winners will receive admission to Whiskeyfest San Francisco, VIP tours of Anchor Brewery, and some of the finest bourbons, single malts, and more. Meanwhile, everyone involved will score $5 Boothby cocktails and Sidecars, free sips of St. George Single Malt Whiskey, and live tunes by a barbershop quartet. Interested contestants can email and to get on the roster. Get more info on the judges and other stuff, here!
When: Monday, August 15, 7 p.m. registration, competition starts at 8 p.m.
Where: Comstock Saloon, 155 Columbus Avenue (at Kearny Street and Pacific Avenue), 415-617-0071.
Where: Comstock Saloon, 155 Columbus Avenue (at Kearny Street and Pacific Avenue), 415-617-0071.

Photo: Chris Sollars