Indigo leopard dresses, intricately printed skirts, and Italian-wool ponchos — these are just three (of many!) reasons to shop at Conifer on any given day. But tonight's special shindig is adding another sartorial benefit to the ever-growing list. At the store’s fall shopping event, Conifer will be selling its usual selection of awesome wares for a cause — to help ease the maternal undertakings of homeless mothers-to-be.
Meaning we can shop Steven Alan, Lauren Moffat, and Vena Cava threads to our heart’s content and 15% of our purchase will go directly to the Homeless Prenatal Program. And while this is a very serious — and stellar — cause, the event will be a full-on party. Expect overflowing drinks, melt-in-your-mouth treats, and giveaways galore. Need any more convincing? We didn’t think so. Jot down the info below and reap the stylish rewards — plus feel good doing it!
When: Thursday, September 13, 6 to 9 p.m.
Where: Conifer, 2848 Webster Street (at Union Street); 415-922-1892.
Photo: Courtesy of Conifer