Peter Copping takes the artistic director position at Nina Ricci, filling in the very big, if unprofitable, shoes left behind by Olivier Theyskens. His first collection for the brand will debut next March. Good luck. (Vogue UK)
Would you say "I do" if your guy presented you with one of these wacky rings while on bended knee? (Trend de la Creme)
Learn why "sweaters can be practical or stylish under a jacket, but never both." Sadly true. (Mens Flair)
Indeed, what does a cub wear to a cougar party? Pray tell. (Slate)
Rachel Zoe places a request for a male fashion assistant on Craigslist—photos a must. Are we sure this didn't come from the "Missed Connections" section? (BlackBook)
Coco Chanel had a Nazi lover and tried to ban Jews from working for her during the German occupation of Paris. Those French. Always so quirky. (Guardian UK)
On the subject of Mme. Chanel, a high-school freshman takes a stab at translating the Coco Avant Chanel trailer. Sang-froid hilarity ensues. (Jezebel)
Marc Jacobs makes Daisy Lowe want to cry, in a good way. (The Daily Beast)