A Week In London On A $31,473 Salary

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Today: a copy assistant working in fashion who makes $31,473 per year and spends some of her money this week on Butterkist popcorn. Editor's note: All prices have been converted to U.S. dollars.
Occupation: Copy Assistant
Industry: Fashion
Age: 24
Location: London, England
Salary: $31,473
Paycheck Amount (Monthly): $2,153
Monthly Expenses
Rent: I live at home and contribute $300 to the household.
Student Loans: $0 (You start paying back student loans when you make more than $35,411 a year.)
Other Loans: I took out a loan when I moved to Italy for a year, so now my bank takes $131 a month for five years. I could have paid it off by now, but this is better for my credit score.
Phone: $69
Bank Account: $23 (This covers travel insurance and more.)
Spotify: $0 (Free with my phone plan.)
Netflix: $0 (I use my dad's account.)
Monthly Transit Card: $253
Pension: $40, and my work contributes double

Day One

12 p.m. — I get up really late. I had one too many glasses of Champagne at tea yesterday. I jump in the shower, throw on my mustard jumper and Topshop boyfriend jeans, and leave the house to catch the train to go meet my friend, N.
2 p.m. — Meet N. at this yummy American-style restaurant in Shoreditch. I order lamb fries with cheese on top, and it's so good ($10). N. just orders a Bloody Mary, as she has a hangover and isn't ready to eat yet. We catch up on life and reflect on how far we've come since moving back to London last year. We both moved to Florence together after university to work. We didn't like our jobs there — everyone had watched The Devil Wears Prada one too many times and made our lives sort of a living hell. We moved back to London a year later, and life has been happier ever since. $10
3 p.m. — We decide we want boozy milkshakes and head to another restaurant called The Diner. I order a vanilla ice cream, blueberry compote, and amaretto milkshake ($11), and N. orders a bourbon chocolate milkshake and fries. We walk around Shoreditch, as the weather is nice, and discuss how much the area has changed and how Shoreditch is starting to resemble parts of New York. Which reminds me to ask N. if she is interested in visiting New York with me in the fall. I love New York and try to visit yearly. N. says maybe, as she may be moving to Paris with her BF, and we say goodbye and plan to meet up again really soon. I take the train home. $11
5 p.m. — My mum made a roast chicken for dinner. I pick at it a bit but am craving something sweet, so I get creative and decide to make French toast with blueberry sauce for my dinner instead. I can't decide what to watch, so I go for a classic favorite, Friends. I watch until I fall asleep around 11.
Daily Total: $21

Day Two

7 a.m. — Four alarms later, I finally get up. I jump in the shower and then throw on wide-legged black denim trousers with a white long-sleeve top and an oversize pinstripe gray blazer. Then I force my hair into a bun and apply some Nars foundation and Glossier mascara. For breakfast, I make some eggs and berries with tea. Then I run to catch the 8:07 train with my big sister.
8:40 a.m. — My work is having a sample sale, and I have no will power. I see a beautiful trench coat for $185 that normally costs $1,984, but I already have a similar one. I know my mum has been wanting one, so I text her and she says yes. I get it and she pays me back later.
10:42 a.m. — Now at my desk, I start my Monday routine of checking what's on the lunch menu this week. My work gives us free lunches, and today I have tomato, roasted pepper, and mascarpone soup. Today is slow, which gives me too much time to think. My mind wanders to food, and I decide to pop by the local Sainsbury's (British supermarket) for cheese sticks and nuts. $2.25
2 p.m. — Go back to the sample sale (please don't judge me, because I am judging me). And, yes! I leave without buying anything. Grab a protein bar and head back to my desk. $2.25
5:30 p.m. — Run out of work to catch my train. I work in Westminster, and there are always Brexit protesters outside Parliament. Today there are a lot more than normal. I am still hoping Brexit will NOT happen. On my way home, I pop in my local supermarket for sea bass, eggs, toilet paper, spinach, halloumi, tomatoes, and turkey. $16.80
7 p.m. — I make a halloumi, spinach, and tomato salad with leftover chicken from yesterday's roast. Then I do an ab workout, shower, throw some clothes in the machine, and catch up with my mum and my sisters. We're an all-women household, which has its pros and cons. I watch For the People before falling asleep and dreaming about cheese puffs.
Daily Total: $21.30

Day Three

6:50 a.m. — Wake up on my second alarm and then wash my face with my favorite Malin+Goetz cleansing oil. For breakfast I make scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. Then I throw on a pink jumper from & Other Stories I haven't worn in a while with some black jeans and do my hair and makeup. My mum forgot her lunch, so I grab it and will drop it off with her on my way to work. She and my sister work down the road from me. As usual, I run like a crazy woman to catch the 7:46 train.
8:25 a.m. — Get off the train at Westminster and see all the news reporters getting ready to go live. There are more than usual today. My mum is waiting for me outside her building in her new trench, and she looks great. Since I'm really early to work, I pop by the sample sale again and buy my sister a cashmere scarf and a cardholder for my mum that they each pay me back for. I also buy myself a tote I've been wanting for a while ($131). $131
2 p.m. — I grab a chicken pesto salad for lunch today and sit in the canteen watching The Daily Show with Trevor Noah and clips from The View on YouTube. I am really into politics, thanks to my mother and sister. I get some fresh air and go to Sainsbury's to grab some more nuts, cheese, and Diet Coke before heading back to my desk. $3.50
5:30 p.m. — The day flew past fast. I'm off to meet my friend, B., for our weekly movie date. Last week we saw What Men Want — so funny. Today we're going to see the new Captain Marvel movie. I have a bit of time beforehand, so I stop at my grandparents' house on the way. My 90-year-old grandad has recently become obsessed with making vegetable juices, and he makes me one to take with me. He's so cute — I love him so much. I leave and pop into Superdrugs for deodorant, a body sponge, and toothpaste ($14.20). Now I'm running short on time, so I rush to meet my friend. We each buy a ticket ($8.50), and I buy cheese puffs as a snack ($1.45). $24.15
10:30 p.m. — The movie was good. I wouldn't say amazing, but a good watch. I'm looking forward to seeing Avengers: Endgame. On the way home from the movie, I pop into Marks & Spencer to buy some eggs for breakfast ($1.11). When I finally get home, my hay fever is killing me, so I jump straight into the shower and head to bed. $1.11
Daily Total: $159.76

Day Four

7:10 a.m. — Wake up feeling exhausted. I didn't sleep well because of my hay fever. I take my time getting ready for work. I make my turkey bacon with scrambled eggs for breakfast and sip on some tea before leaving to grab the 8:16 train.
10:50 a.m. — I get a little hungry, so I run to the local supermarket and grab a small packet of mixed almond nuts, a peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar, another protein bar, and blueberries. $7.72
1 p.m. — I listen to my favorite podcast, The Receipts. It's three girls from London who talk about everything from sex and relationships to mental health and hot topics in the media. It's so funny, and I try to hold in my laughter so none of my coworkers side-eye me. I run to the canteen and grab chicken pesto salad for lunch.
4:30 p.m. — As usual, I run out of work to get to London Bridge on time for my 5:55 p.m. train. At home, I make sea bass and grilled halloumi with spinach and tomato salad. Then I head straight to bed. I don't think it's hay fever, actually — I think I have another sinus infection. Twice in one month. This sucks. I'm asleep by 9.
Daily Total: $7.72

Day Five

6:50 a.m. — I wake up and catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror. It looks worse than Einstein's. I jump in the shower, get dressed, and head downstairs to make my breakfast. I fight my hair into a bun and do my makeup. Then I leave the house with my sister to catch the 8:16 train.
8:45 a.m. — Stop at the pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics before heading to work. $11.54
2 p.m. — Take a break and watch Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia on Netflix while eating my chicken pesto salad for lunch again. I add some seeds to it to spice it up. Then I go to Pret to grab sparkling grape and elderflower water ($1.31) before heading back to my desk. $1.31
5:30 p.m. — I leave work feeling crazy excited because I'm going to see my favorite artist, NAO, in concert tonight. I grab some fries ($2.34) on the way to meet my sister, my cousin, and her friend. $2.34
10:35 p.m. — The concert was amazing. My sister and I run to catch a bus to the train station so we can get our 10:50 train home. The bus driver must hate us, because he is driving extra slowly and stops at a green light and waits for it to turn red. We start to get angry — the train we need to catch only comes every 30 minutes. When we get off the bus, we run like crazy and make it with two minutes to spare. At home, I do my nighttime routine and head to bed.
Daily Total: $15.19

Day Six

7 a.m. — Thank goodness it's Friday. I jump straight in the shower and do my hair and makeup. I throw on wide-legged pants, a gray polo, and a maxi-length knitted gray cardigan without a coat. Then I make gluten-free oatmeal topped with some blueberry sauce, coconut flakes, and sesame seeds. I pack it to take with me to work and leave to catch the 8:16 train.
8:50 a.m. — I eat my breakfast at my desk and decide to head down to the sample sale, as it's the last day. I see a beautiful silk nightgown that I consider buying and wearing as a kimono, but I try it on and decide I don't need it. Then I pop into Sainsbury's and grab a Larabar and Eat Real Hummus Sour Cream and Chives Chips. I love to snack. $2.25
2 p.m. — I grab a chicken pesto salad for lunch again and add some halloumi from home. It's so yummy, I inhale it in seconds. Two friends from another department join me for lunch. We have a quick chat and plan to have a proper catch-up next week over dinner. Afterward, I try to work but there are loads of noises coming from helicopters filming coverage of the protest outside. I still can't believe people think it's a good idea for us to leave the EU. I get hungry and pop over to the shops for another snack: Butterkist Sweet Cinema Style popcorn. $1.31
5:30 p.m. — I run through the crowd of protesters at Westminster hoping no one catches me on camera and thinks I'm part of this mess. Shaking my head at all these people who actually think that Brexit could ever be a good idea — this breaks my heart. Somehow I still manage to catch my 5:55 train home.
6:10 p.m. — I decide to make a healthy dinner while I side-eye my little sister's fried chicken. Jealous. I warm up my sea bass and spinach and add some ginger seasoning and tomatoes. I am still hungry after, so I snack on some popcorn from earlier and watch an emotional episode of For the People. It's about a dad and his son being split apart because of immigration. I love how Shonda Rhimes always finds a way to incorporate U.S. politics into her show so well. I then watch another political drama, The Good Fight, before falling asleep.
Daily Total: $3.56

Day Seven

8 a.m. — Woken up early by the sound of my mother and older sister having a heated discussion about Brexit. On Saturdays I normally go to church, but this morning I'm feeling really exhausted. I grew up in a Seventh Day Adventist family, and when I was younger I would go to church with my grandmother and cousins every Saturday. My family used to keep the Sabbath day very holy from sunset to sunset, but over the years we have become very laid-back. I may not agree with all of the church's views, but I still enjoy it. I end up spending the whole morning laughing and chatting with my mum and sister before getting ready to go and meet my friend P. for lunch.
2 p.m. — I meet P. at the station and we take the train to King's Cross. We decide to go to Dishoom for lunch and sit outside to enjoy the warm day. I love Indian food. I order chili chicken with plain naan and black daal, which is so, so yummy. P. orders vegan khichia and chhundo with vegetable samosas and a vegan mango lassi. After we eat, we walk around to the new shop area that just opened up. One Granary Square has changed so much since I finished university here two years ago. $26.23
5 p.m. — We have a little bit of time before our train, so we stop at Krispy Kreme and I grab the new lotus and white chocolate doughnut, which is so good. The perfect balance between savory and sweet. $2.95
7 p.m. — Finally home after a train mix-up, I pack my bag and head to my grandparents' house for the night. On my way, I stop at the local supermarket and grab some tortilla wraps to have with the rest of my leftover black daal. $1.31
9 p.m. — Crash on the couch with my grandad and watch some awful TV before heading to bed. I just recently discovered Jackie Aina on YouTube — she's so funny. I end up watching her for hours before finally falling asleep around 2 a.m.
Daily Total: $30.49
Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.
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