Anyone who has traipsed—and by traipsed, we mean shoved their way through a herd of slow-moving tourists—down Canal Street has seen enough Chanel knockoffs to last a lifetime. But, hey, what's a few more? And though they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, something tells us that the good folks at the Double C Ranch may not be all that amused by these backhanded logo liberties. Indeed, this round of knock offs includes some rip offs of previous copyright-busting designs. It's so meta that we're getting dizzy. Call in the lawyers!
Above, clockwise from upper left:
The ultimate designer impostor (literally), Fake Karl channels both Coco and Missy Misdemeanor with this Copyrighted So Don't Copy Me Tote.
To pay for your crimes of fashion, we hereby sentence you to wearing Haeftling's handcuff-printed Chainel Tee. It's political and a little kinky too… but then, aren't you too?
This Laniebeth Dripping Dead Chanel necklace was modeled after an Alex + Chloe design that doesn't appear to be available any more (pictured, lower left), which actually sort of makes it a knockoff of a knockoff. Whatevs—we kinda dig the "I'm meltiiiing!" effect.
This Chanel Crossbones Pendant Necklace from A Vanity Affair, another take on yet another Alex + Chloe design, would be a lot more threatening and macabre if it didn't come in a psychedelic rainbow print.