We're starting to wonder when those boys over at Bblessing find time to sleep. Not only are they running one of the coolest shops in town, featuring designers we adore, they just released their sophomore collection, and it's grand. We thought they might mimic the moodier aesthetic of the designers they feature at the shop, but the boys created a quirky yet masculine offering that is thoroughly wearable. Slim, well-tailored blazers, woodsy plaid button ups, slim-cut pants, selvedge denim, pleated shorts and lightweight polos pepper the totally must-have showing. We have to admit that we are panting with desire for pretty much everything and we are already planning a winter savings program so we are ready to do some damage come spring. It appears that the labels they stock may have some friendly competition—from the owners themselves.

For more information go to: www.bblessingcollection.com