In case you haven't gotten wind of all the internet buzz surrounding Save Fashion, our month-long-super-discounted-designer-goods-shopping-extravaganza, here's the deal: From May 1-May 28, yours truly is turning Port Authority, which, up 'til now, we'd always associated with buses and pretzel shops, into a place you'll actually want to be. Well, that is, if you want clothes from Acne, Rogan, and Steven Alan, and other greats at discounts of 50% or more. And while the Save Fashion team will reveal new designers and merchandise each week (that's way better than those Topshop folks unveiling a new wave of crop tops and floral dresses each week), we're going to start our countdown right here on the blog, full of juicy little tidbits to tide you over 'til the May 1 opening—and keep the salivating going all month long. What surprise will we unveil tomorrow? Check back to find out!
Above: Two exclusive campaign images shot by Chadwick Tyler, starring the ever-lovely models of Trump. Below: The Save Fashion windows on 8th Avenue revealed!