This juror got booted from jury duty because she was wearing a t-shirt that said "Who the fuck is Kanye West." What about the first amendment? (New York Post)
Finally, a Lego flagship store. Check it to see an old women feeding pigeons in Central Park—in Lego form natch. (Racked)
As if we didn't have enough opinion-based prime-time programming, disgraced/rehabbed former Governor Eliot Spitzer is set to have his own show. Move on over, Jon Stewart. (Washington Post)
Countess LuAnne de Lesseps of the Real Housewives of NY says she's unsure of her return to our favorite guilty pleasure. I mean, what are we gonna do without her sultry singing voice? (People)
Surprise! American Apparel and CEO Dov Charney are in hot water yet again. The company will be delisted from the NY Stock Exchange if it doesn't get its shit together by August. (Fashionista)