Can You Match The Country To The Flag?

Here's a scary fact: When Gallup polled Americans in 2003 to see if they knew the names of foreign leaders, only 6% could name the prime minister of Canada. That's right, only 6%. Fast-forward to today and you'd be hard-pressed to find an American who doesn't recognize Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In fact, an Ipsos poll from March of this year showed that 68% of Americans know who exactly who Justin Trudeau is. As time moves forward and technology advances, the world becomes more accessible and more entwined that ever before. It's harder to avoid international news and foreign policy debates when they're on your TV, your Facebook feed, and pretty much anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection. But does that mean that Americans know more about the world than ever before? Does that mean that we are more worldly? Worldly enough to identify the flags of other nations? It may seem like a no-brainer, but do you really know which flag belongs to which nation? Test yourself. For the winners: bragging rights. For the losers: a mandate to brush up on your foreign policy.

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