Randolph House Toddy
What you'll need:
-4 Lemon wedges
-3/4 oz honey syrup
-2 oz Laird's Apple Brandy
-5 oz Hot water
-3 dashes Angostura Bitters
-A mug, preferably glass
-A muddler
Now comes the fun part:
1. Put the lemon wedges in the mug first
3. Pour in the other ingredients
4. Muddle ingredients
5.Top with hot water
6. Garnish with cinnamon and star of Anise
7. Drink up!
The Randolph at Broome, 349 Broome Street (between Bowery and Elizabeth Street); 212-274-0667.
Hot Toddy image via artfulgourmet; Honey image via Comvita; Star of Anise via Citra; Cinnamon stick via Melissa Cooks Gourmet; Lemon wedge via Sweet Tomatoes.