Catch An Insider Peek At Craftsman & Wolves In This Cool Vid!

There’s no questioning S.F.’s infatuation with Mission bakery-cafe Craftsman & Wolves. It continues to tickle fancies (and taste buds) all across town. Heck, chef-owner William Werner is currently in the running for the Outstanding Pastry Chef James Beard award, and the venue has even been the star of a local art show. Well, it looks like Craftsman & Wolves is garnering even more well-deserved credit and is the focal point of an introspective video shot and edited by photographer Eva Kolenko.
Kolenko delves into the dessert-obsessed world of Werner and shows his infectious passion for treats and intricate (and seemingly painstaking) creations. “I was so excited to pair up with William Werner on my latest video project," says Kolenko. “Everything Craftsman & Wolves does seems to be the perfect balance of experimentation and extraordinary constraint. I was inspired to dig deeper to find out who is this William Werner guy? What makers him so good? Why can't I stop eating these chocolate croissants?”
Mission accomplished! See the beautiful video above and peek into the innerworkings of Craftsman & Wolves and prepare for your tummy to rumble!

Video: Courtesy of Eva Kolenko