As some (but not all) of our writers wind through the show spaces and backstages of Fashion Week surrounded by some of the most beautiful, leggy women on the planet, it's rarely titillation that comes to mind—more like intimidation. As The Cut reports, "Beautiful models always say that they're looking for nice, funny guys—but everyone knows that's simply untrue." True or not, a red-blooded straight male is a rarity in these circles, and if some lowly journo is ever to squire a model, Fashion Week is the time. Thanks, then, to Neel Shah, who summoned more balls than the U.S. Open to test various strategies on catwalk beauties to find out what, if anything, would work for the "quirky" guy. More of a list of "don'ts" than "dos", Shah discovered that these ladies don't want vacations, bottle service, or… well… anything really. Sigh. Well, at least you know what not to do. Keep reaching for those stars, boyos. (The Cut)