Holy Darryl Hannah! The crimp is back (at least on the Paris runways). At Christian Lacroix (above) and Sonia Rykiel (below), the '80s fad that had many a young lass burning their locks on special-purpose heaters, made a hair-raising return. Lacroix's lion manes were charmingly poofy without falling into Troll doll territory, and several of Rykiel's models sported 'dos that clearly referenced the designer's own famously red and wild hairstyle. For those who haven't seen or attempted the crimp since Alyssa Milano was on "Who's the Boss" check out this informative history. Did you know it was invented in 1972? Fascinating. Back to the shows, Rykiel underscored her point with an all hair look that looked like the Cowardly Lion's dream date. Get out your crimping irons!

Photos via Style.com