When you’re a blogger and you put apartment renovation decisions in the hands of your readers, who knows what you’re going to end up with. Luckily, when you’re big-name blogger and former Condé editor Joanna Goddard, the results seem to come out pretty well.
Living in Manhattan, matchbox-sized dwellings become a very real reality, and though we like to kid ourselves otherwise, it’s always quite nice to see that others’ humble abodes are just as, well, humble as our own. Showing every crack and crevice of her bathroom on her blog, Goddard, the voice behind A Cup Of Jo, is showing us the before-and-after shots of her home makeover. After giving her fans the final spin of the color wheel, a can of blue paint, some shiny new mirrors, and serious Hamptons inspiration later, we’ve been left with a case of green-eyed envy for the finer details. However, we’re certain ours would look good, too, if we had 33,000-plus brains, a prop stylist, and a paint sponsor to help us with those final little deets. Click through to check out the new digs in all their glory. (A Cup Of Jo)
Photo: Via A Cup of Joe