When you're as devoted to beauty goodies as we are, your bathroom and vanity can tend to look like a ravaged Sephora — products strewn about haphazardly and with abandon. We always swear we're going to clean out the makeup drawer filled with gunked-up lipsticks and eyeliners missing their caps, but the task seems so daunting that we never seem to manage to work up the willpower to tackle it.
Leave it to the lovely Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere to give us the inspiration and motivation we need to get organized. This week, Emily gave us a peek into her enviably organized beauty arsenal, and we couldn't help but be smitten with her technique for arranging and displaying her lipsticks. The perfect mix of style and function, this tray of punchy lippies would make it so easy to pick the perfect bright hue to complement our end-of-summer outfits, n'est-ce pas? Sorry, Emily, but it looks like we'll be stealing this technique for our own vanities.
Tell us: Do you have a genius tip for organizing your beauty products?
Photos: Via Cupcakes and Cashmere