Stripes have long held court among seamen and the fashion flock alike. Being part of the latter, you can only imagine our delight when we noticed a new wave of shoes taking on the print. We're obsessing over the striped takes on classics like the oxford and the little flat. Perfect for brunches or impromptu dance parties, these kicks will certainly have you walking the line come warmer weather.
Above, clockwise from left to right:
Marc Jacobs Flat Lace-Up Bootie, $395; Repetto Ballet Flat, $205;
Urban Outfitters Sneaker, $20; Marc Jacobs Striped Oxford Flat, $395; Topshop Voodoo Stripe T-Bar Shoe, $36 (in two colors); Esse Ut Esse Striped Leather Lace-up Shoes, $222.
Marc Jacobs Flat Lace-Up Bootie, $395; Repetto Ballet Flat, $205;
Urban Outfitters Sneaker, $20; Marc Jacobs Striped Oxford Flat, $395; Topshop Voodoo Stripe T-Bar Shoe, $36 (in two colors); Esse Ut Esse Striped Leather Lace-up Shoes, $222.