A Week In Kansas on a $203,000 Joint Income

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.
Today: a Customer Service Supervisor with a $203,000 income who spends some of her money this week on a second oven.
Occupation: Customer Service Supervisor
Industry: Inks and Coatings
Age: 32
Location: Greater Kansas City Area
My Salary: $53,000
My Husband's Salary: $150,000
My Husband's Paycheck: $3,000-$8,000 (depending on commissions for the month)
My Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $855
Gender Identity: Woman
Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $1,984
My Student Loans: $205 (five months left)
Husband Student Loans: $125 (three months left)
Car Payment: $450
Cell Phones: $184
Sling TV: $35
Netflix: $0 (brother-in-law lets us use his)
Daycare: $900
Water/Waste/Electric/Gas: $200-400 depending on the time of year Business Insurance/Life Insurance/Short-term Disability: $250
Health Insurance: $244.45 (covers my husband, my daughter, and myself, pre-tax)
Vision Insurance: $10.61 (pre-tax)
Dental Insurance: $14.12 (pre-tax)
Dependent Care FSA: $192.31 (maxed out at $5,000 this year, pre-tax)
Medical FSA: $101.93 (maxed out at $2,700 this year, pre-tax)
401(k): $305.79 (15% of my income, company matches 6%, pre-tax)
Annual Expenses:
Amazon: $119
529 Plan: $6,000
IRA: $12,000 (between my husband and myself, we max out both of our IRAs)
KU Basketball Tickets: $1,400
KU William's Education Fund: $1,000
Home Owner's Insurance: $922
Car Insurance: $1,200
Other income information: We flipped a house recently and made $27,000. My husband inherited about $227,000. He received about a third when he was 26 and the remainder on his 32nd birthday (last year).

Day One

4:40 a.m. — Alarm goes off. I really do not want to pump. What workout can I do that I do not have to pump? Yoga. I text my friend, M., and ask if she is okay with yoga. Big yes. Back to sleep for 20 minutes.
5 a.m. — Get up and get dressed for yoga in the basement. Let the pups out to do their business. M. shows up at 5:15.
5:50 a.m. — Finished with yoga. We stretch and talk about our days for a few minutes before she leaves. I drink some water and look at the baby monitor. Z. (my daughter) is stirring… and she is awake! I take off my sports bra and go feed her. I just love her so much! She is back to sleep in 30 minutes and I can get ready for the day.
6:30 a.m. — Shower, iron a shirt for V. (my husband), feed the pups breakfast, prep lunch for V., prep my work bag and pump supplies, make coffee, and put on my face: SPF lotion, Tarte foundation, blush, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, and mascara. I put on dark wash jeans, a grey crewneck sweater, and black wedge booties for the workday.
7:10 a.m. — I ask V. to go wake Z. up. He walks in her bedroom, but can't do it. His exact words, “she is just so sweet sleeping.” Swoon! But we must get this day started for real, so I get Z. Fresh diaper, cute matching outfit, and I feed her for five minutes. I kiss V. goodbye and he heads to work.
7:45 a.m. — I let the pups out one last time for the morning. I load up the car with my work bag, pump bag, Z., and coffee and we are off to daycare then work for me.
9:30 a.m. — Morning pump session. We have one conference room in the office that has no windows and has a lock. This is the “designated” pumping room. Currently, there is only one other pumping mom in the office so we work together on timing every day. Pump for 30 minutes while continuing to monitor emails from my laptop. I also start addressing Christmas cards…. multitasking at its best!
11 a.m. — We have breakfast with Santa tomorrow morning! I order a Lego set and baby doll to be picked up after work to donate. $31.49
11:30 a.m. — It's been a relatively calm morning. Just a few fires to put out, especially since I am the only supervisor in the department today. I head home for lunch. I let out the pups and warm up some spaghetti from last night's dinner. Ever since giving birth, I am constantly hungry — I cannot seem to get enough calories throughout the day! I pack an apple and cashews for my afternoon snack. Back to work by 12:30.
2 p.m. — Afternoon pump session for 30 minutes. Monitor emails and continue addressing Christmas cards.
4:30 p.m. — Done for the day, it's the weekend! Go to Walmart to pick up the toys I ordered early. I then head to a local bar to meet up with a few co-workers for happy hour. This is the first time I have done this since Z. was born. Two beers later and I am headed home. $11.08
6:30 p.m. — I get home and V. is furious. He thinks I stayed too long at happy hour. Sigh. I take over Z. duty and get her ready for bedtime. Lotion, PJs, books, and nurse her to sleep. She is down by 7:45.
8 p.m. — V. goes over to the neighbors'. I look in the fridge and find some left over chicken, rice, and beans for a quick dinner. M., (neighbor/best friend/workout buddy), comes over for a glass of wine.
9:30 p.m. — V. comes home and M. heads out. We discuss his earlier frustration. I see his side enough to apologize, but come on, I have gone out for drinks ONE time since Z. was born.
10:30 p.m. — Bed time routine: micellar makeup remover, La Roche Posay Effaclar Purifying Cleanser, La Roche Posay Toleriane Ultra Night Cream, brush teeth, floss, pop a prenatal vitamin, and get in bed.
Daily Total: $42.57

Day Two

5:50 a.m. — Alarm goes off. Up and ready for a workout. Z. is babbling away in her crib. I decide to nurse her (no pumping for the win) and hopefully she will go back to bed. She is full but not ready to go back to bed. I hand her off to V. so I can feed the pups and she starts crying immediately. I come get her from V. since she will not calm down. I guess she gets to work out with me and M. today. I strap Z. into her bouncer right in front of us and she is happy to watch us work out and chew on her toys, YAY!
7:15 a.m. — Workout done. Z. is hungry again. I feed her and she goes back to bed. V. and I get ready for our trip to see Santa Claus. Z. wakes up from a short nap happy as can be. I get her dressed in her outfit to meet Santa and we are off by 8:45.
9:15 a.m. — In line for Santa and talking with our realtor who is hosting the event. V. hands Z. to me and I can smell a dirty diaper. Yes, it is a blow out. A really bad blow out. Z. technically needs a bath, but I am in a church bathroom. So 5,000 baby wipes later she is cleaned up and in her “emergency baby bag outfit.” Back in line for Santa… at least she has a red bow on. Only advice I will ever give to new parents: go with the flow.
10:15 a.m. — We meet Santa and take pics with all three of us and then I hand Z. to Santa. She doesn't cry or scream! I stand by the photographer and get her to smile and laugh. Winning!!!
10:30 a.m. — We leave the event and head to Scheels. I stay in the car with Z. to nurse her and she falls right to sleep. V. goes in and buys a gun for duck hunting that he has been wanting for several years and a few accessories for it. $1,208.09
11:30 a.m. — We also stop by the liquor store to pick up and pay for a case of wine we ordered. $128.99
11:45 a.m. — Once home, I put Z. down for her official nap. V. puts a frozen pizza in the oven for us.
2 p.m. — V. get a coupon for 15% off at Chewy so he orders two bags of dog food. $101.92
3 p.m. — We head to Hobby Lobby to peruse the picked-over Christmas decorations. There are still lots of fun glass ornaments. I find a few to add to Z.'s new ornament collection! I also find cute plates and napkins for our annual Christmas party next weekend. $25.39
6 p.m. — Z. hangs in her frog chair while I prep baked chicken, red potatoes, and sweet peas for dinner. Christmas music is obviously on. V. and I enjoy dinner. He cleans up and I go through Z.'s bedtime routine. She is out by 8.
8 p.m. — V. and I relax on the couch with Forensic Files on in the background. Same bedtime routine and out.
Daily Total: $1,464.39

Day Three

2 a.m. — Z. is up and not falling back asleep. I go in and nurse her and she eventually falls back asleep.
7 a.m. — Up for real this time without alarms or a crying baby! I feed the pups breakfast. V. goes and gets us McDonald's breakfast — two egg/cheese/sausage McMuffins, two hashbrowns, a breakfast burrito, and two coffees. $11.87
8 a.m. — Z. is up and I nurse her. We attempt a few bits of plum as well and she seems to like it.
11:30 a.m. — I run to Kohl's to exchange a pair of sneakers my mother-in-law sent me. I also run into Michael's to peruse their Christmas stuff. I buy a basket for a gift basket I am putting together for our daycare providers, two ornaments, and some ribbon ($31.57). $31.57
12:30 p.m. — I run into the grocery store on my way home and buy deli turkey, sourdough bread, and coffee. $39.51
12:45 p.m. — Once home, I nurse Z. before putting her down for a nap with V. Surprise, I am hungry. I make a bean and cheese burrito.
3 p.m. — V. and I have been talking about getting a second oven in the garage for several years. When we finished our basement last year we had our contractor run the needed electrical to the spot in the garage where we would want it to be. We find one we like in stock at Nebraska Furniture Mart. V. orders it online for pick up tomorrow. $592.38
5:50 p.m. — Chiefs win at New England, yay! I have a black bean burger and rice for dinner.
6:30 p.m. — Z. gets a bath tonight. It is her fave. Her skin is very sensitive, so she only gets two baths a week. Bedtime routine for her and she is out by 7:45.
8 p.m. — I clean up the house and make sure we are ready for a new week. I chill on the couch and enjoy our Christmas tree until lights out at 9:30.
Daily Total: $675.33

Day Four

4:40 a.m. — Alarm goes off. I pump and get ready for a workout. At 5:15, M. shows up. Full body Tone It Up workout!
6:05 a.m. — M. leaves and Z. wakes up! I nurse her and she falls back asleep.
6:30 a.m. — I feed the pups then get ready for work. Put on jeans, a grey oversized sweater, and taupe booties. Then, wake up Z. and get her ready for the day.
7:40 a.m. — Out the door with Z. and all the stuff. I drop her at daycare then make it to the office right before 8. I eat my thinkTHIN bar with water and enjoy my coffee for the remainder of the morning.
9 a.m. — I order cookies from our favorite local bakery to be picked up Saturday afternoon before the party ($40.36). V. orders the brisket from the best place in KC (in our opinion) for the party to also be picked up Saturday afternoon ($260). $300.36
10:15 a.m. — Morning pump session. I continue monitoring emails and peruse some Christmas sales. I fill my Amazon cart with a few things for our party this weekend and Santa presents for Z. I also start a Walmart pick up grocery cart.
11 a.m. — I call the rental party company to place my order for three tables, 20 chairs, and three tablecloth linens. ($88.79 plus a $100 deposit we will get back upon returning everything in working order). $188.79
11:30 a.m. — I head home for lunch and to let out the pups. Leftover chicken, red potatoes, and peas for me. Back at the office by 12:30.
2:45 p.m. — Afternoon pump session. I place my Amazon order. I get pretty disposable plate settings, antique bells, battery operated tea lights, batteries, and a Fisher Price llama and hedgehog. $101.91
4:30 p.m. — Done for the day after a nice catch up meeting with my manager. My new title/promotion is scheduled to go into place in February 2020. I was hoping it would happen in 2019, but corporate red tape is a real thing. It will be eight months from the time the promotion was turned into upper management for approval when February comes around. I grab Z. at daycare and home for the evening!
5:30 p.m. — I nurse and play with Z. I have chicken tacos, veggies, rice, and beans for dinner. I put Z. to sleep around 8.
8 p.m. — V. and I fall down the rabbit hole of organizing our boot bench and cubbies by the garage door. It looks so much better! I head to bed around 11:30 after my bedtime routine.

Daily Total: $591.06

Day Five

5:50 a.m. — Alarm goes off. I see a text from M. that she's sick, so obviously I take the morning off too. Today is a hair washing day, which is a process because my hair is down to my waistline. Z. is up at 6:30 so I juggle getting her nursed and ready along with myself, the pups, and V. We make it out the door on time and my hair is blown out. I am thankful I do not need a straightener on my hair!
8 a.m. — I make it to the office on time. I have a protein bar and water for breakfast and then home-brewed coffee for the rest of the morning.
10:15 a.m. — Morning pump session after a busy morning of meetings. I put together my to-do list for the rest of the week leading up to our party this weekend. I also complete my Walmart pick up grocery order that includes most of the supplies for the party this weekend. I get almond milk, protein bars, spaghetti sauce, mustard, almonds, walnuts, carrots, shallots, avocados, spring salad mix, several types of cheeses, russet potatoes, half and half, lemons, butter, Worcestershire sauce, Shout stain remover, and dish soap. $122.83
11:30 a.m. — Home for lunch and to let the pups out. Turkey sandwich with almonds for me and some extra love for the pups. Back at work by 12:30.
2 p.m. — Afternoon pump session. I monitor emails and get caught up on this Money Diary. I also order more Tarte foundation on Amazon since I am about out. $34.69
4:30 p.m. — I head home. V. picks up the groceries from Walmart and Z. from daycare. He also picks up four teddy bears for the “Teddy Bear throw drive” at the KU game he is going to this evening ($30.52). I come home to V. and Z. playing on the floor, so sweet! I nurse Z. and catch up with V. A quick protein shake for both of us for dinner before V. heads to the game. $30.52
6:30 p.m. — Z. turned seven months on the first and I have not taken her photos for this month! I dress her in a cute jumper and a bow she wore on Thanksgiving and have a little photo shoot. She plays and rolls around for a bit after then we start bedtime routine. She is out by 7:45.
8:30 p.m. — I turn on Christmas Inheritance on Netflix and go through all the paperwork that has been piling up since Z. was born.
9:45 p.m. — V. is home. KU had a blowout win! We catch up and have a late-night snack of random leftovers in our fridge. We watch the news and Jimmy Fallon until 11:30. Nighttime routine and pass out.
Daily Total: $188.04

Day Six

5 a.m. — Alarm goes off. M. cancels working out again and apparently, I have no self-motivation to work out by myself this week.
6 a.m. — Alarm goes off again and I think about getting up.
6:22 a.m. — Alarm has gone off again and I finally get up. Z. is kind of awake but content. I let out the pups, feed them breakfast and take a quick shower. Z. is really awake at 6:45. I go in and get her dressed for the day and nurse her. We are out the door with all the things by 7:40. Daycare drop off then work by 8. Protein bar and coffee for breakfast.
9:30 a.m. — Morning pump session. Monitor emails, catch up on Money Diaries, double-check all my lists for the party this weekend, and text back and forth with M. and V.
11:30 a.m. — I head home for lunch and to let the pups out. Turkey sandwich and a hand full of almonds for me. Some extra cuddles for the pups. Back to work by 12:30.
2:45 p.m. — Afternoon pump session. Then catching up on emails and dealing with a few personnel situations.
3:30 p.m. — I'm quietly eating my apple when the entire system goes offline. IT is aware of the situation and manages to reboot the system within five minutes, but it takes a half-hour to get everything running properly.
4:30 p.m. — Still leaving on time despite the technology crisis! I get Z. and head home. V. works in the garage to get it organized before the party on Saturday while I play with Z.
6:30 p.m. — Paninis, rice, and salad for dinner. Z. happily sits with us while we eat, then playtime, bedtime routine, and she is asleep by 8:15.
8:15 p.m. — I make chex mix and clean the pumping supplies then relax and watch The Christmas Story on Sling with V. until bedtime. Bedtime routine and out by 11:30.
Daily Total: $0

Day Seven

5:15 a.m. — My alarm goes off. M. now has a sick baby, so I am on my own again. I get up and complete a 30-minute yoga flow. No jumping involved so no pumping needed beforehand!
6 a.m. — Normal morning routine. Z. wakes up at 7 just as I finish getting ready. I grab her and get her ready for the day then nurse her. V. comes in and kisses us both goodbye. We are out the door with all the things by 7:40. Daycare drop and at work before 8. Same protein bar and coffee for breakfast.
9:15 a.m. — Morning pumping session is a little early so I can make it to a 10 a.m. meeting. I work the entire time, such a busy day!
11:40 a.m. — I head home to let the pups out and eat lunch. Nothing sounds good so I eat the leftover salad from last night. I know I will be hungry later, but that is a problem for my future self. I put a banana and apple in my work bag for this afternoon. I start some laundry and pick up a bit before heading back to the office by 12:30.
3 p.m. — Finally able to pump. There is another meeting scheduled in the pumping conference room at 3:30 so I need to hustle! Someone knocks on the door at 3:27 as I am finishing putting all my stuff away, HOLD ON. Thank goodness for locked doors.
4:30 p.m. — I head home. V. already grabbed Z. at daycare. We have our normal early evening routine play, nurse, eat a few cheerios. Z. actually likes the cheerios!
6:30 p.m. — V. bakes us a frozen pizza…living out best life! I also make a salad to balance it all out. Z. happily watches us eat. We clean up our five-star meal then prep Z. for bath time. Bath, lotion, pjs, books, nurse, and asleep by 7:45!
8 p.m. — The cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow so I finish organizing all the little things left from my big organization projects from earlier this week. V. heads to bed at 8:30.
9:30 p.m. — Bedtime routine and asleep at a decent time!
Daily Total: $0
Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.
The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money diaries, click here.
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