Cynthia Steffe Toughens Up With A Brand New Look

We've always admired Cynthia Steffe's longstanding rep in the fashion biz, however, we're even more intrigued by the edgy new turn the line is taking. Newly installed creative director Shaun Kearney has preserved the iconic platform of the brand—feminine classics you can go high or low with—but added a new layer of fun to the mix. With the economy knocking on their door, Kearney says he and his team decided to retool and move away from floral prints and billowy blouses toward an edgier more sophisticated spirit. Explaining the new direction of the brand, Kearney added, "The clothes still have a soft, feminine feel, balanced with tougher details and embellishments. The look is confident, sexy, and chic." We're all in favor of evolution, especially when it looks this good.
Photographs by Kim Kennedy

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