For Daphne Guinness, Halloween can't come soon enough. The socialite and fashion muse was spotted last night at the Fashion Group International's Night of Stars event wearing red eye makeup, a sheer top, and not much else—oh, except for those heiress-sized nips. Her iconic two-tone skunky hair stayed in place despite her somewhat tipsy behavior; at one point it looked like she was clinging on to photographer Steven Klein for dear life (never mind the nipple chafing!). Of course, strange sartorial choices aren't unexpected from McQueen's former inspiration, but, really, we have to wonder what the evening's other guests—Anna Wintour, Kate Bosworth, Richard Gere, Jennifer Connelly among others—thought of the bare boobage. If you want a sexy, last-minute Halloween costume though, we say make like Daphne: no bra required. (Daily Mail)