What Happened When I Wore Instagram Brows To Work

I'm not one to shy away from crazy beauty trends. I don't take makeup too seriously and I love to have fun with color, glitter, and whatever catches my eye on any given day. So gearing up to try three of Instagram's wildest viral eyebrow looks — feather brows, glitter brows, and the classic "Instagram Brows" — wasn’t scary for me, although I still had a few reservations (mostly about those feathered brows).
Although each look took a considerable amount of time to do before work, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed doing them. But the most shocking part of playing around with these outrageous brows? How positive people reacted to them, if they reacted to them at all.
Maybe it's the fact that I work at a highly creative company, or that I live in New York City, or that I try out wild makeup on the regular, but the vast majority of people didn't really notice anything different during my three-day experiment. Most of them didn't even realize I was doing a beauty experiment at all.
The glitter brows turned out to be a favorite among my Refinery29 coworkers. Aside from the risk of flecks falling into your eyes, they’re the perfect accent for a night out or festival.
Of course, the feathered brows raised the most questions, although, with the amount of other makeup and wild hair I had going on, I’m not sure all that many people really noticed them either. I even ended up wearing them to the gym, where I eventually sweated them off. It just goes to show that even if you think everyone is staring at your weird, wonky eyebrow you over plucked last night, they probably aren't.
Overall, I think this challenge really made me experiment more with what I wear and how I do my makeup every morning. Even better? It reaffirmed what I’ve always felt about makeup: It’s a fun way to express yourself and it doesn’t have to be traditionally “pretty” or “trendy”— it’s for you, so who cares what anyone else thinks? (Spoiler: They probably don't even care.)
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