The Best Tips On Getting Glowing Skin—Get a picture-perfect holiday visage with this easy-to-use regimen of skin care products.
Our Massive Online Shopping Guide—An epic guide to e-commerce, to get all your gift shopping done without lifting more than a mouse-clicking finger.
10 Perfect Plus-Size Party Dresses—For the ladies with curves who know a perfect dress when they see one.
Rad Or Bad: Teva Stilettos—Were hiking sandals and heels meant to procreate? You decide.
The Prettiest Party Shoes For The Holidays—From ASOS to Valentino, candy for your feet.
Sparkling Accessories For All Your Holiday Parties—If you're going to party, you might as well be blingin'!
Fashionable Presents To Get Your Gift On!—What to buy the ones you love for a super stylish holiday!
4 Hair Oils To Try Now—and the tips you'll need to get the most out of them.
Metallic Holiday Makeup To Get You Shining—Add a sexy shimmer to your cosmetic routine.
Fashion's 50 Most Influential: Vote Now!—Now is no time for voter apathy, now is the time!