1. Marilyn Monroe
In the River Of No Return, Marilyn Monroe rides the rapids, builds a campfire, and successfully scores the man, all while wearing a pair of workmen's denim. Staying true to her sex-kitten self, this blonde bombshell proves that sometimes a good ol' pair of blue jeans is just as sexy as a white, windblown halter dress.
2. Charlie's Angels
From their feathered hair to their ass-kicking skills, the tough trio that makes up Charlie's Angels go full throttle when it comes to fashion, wearing head-to-toe denim and proving that they've got beauty, brains, and an eye for style.
3. Daisy Mae Duke
Catherine Bach, a.k.a., Daisy Mae Duke wore barely there bottoms in her role as the provocative Southern Belle in the small hamlet of Hazzard County. Along with her ditzy persona, her denim derriere stole the show and coined the term for those infamous high-waisted shorts we all know as "daisy dukes."