Derek Jeter Schools Us On Primping (In 60 Seconds)

We R29ers aren't exactly what you would call "die-hard" sports fans. Sure, we know the difference between the 50 yard line and the free throw line, but you won't catch us signing up as volunteer umpires anytime soon. That said, there are certain things that can get us to a stadium in a hurry: hot guys, and, well, hot guys. So, when we heard that Derek Jeter was partnering with Avon to relaunch his Driven and Driven Black colognes [Ed Note: Yum!], we hightailed it up to the Bronx to check it out. Number 2 himself took some time out of his majorly hectic schedule (like, six games a week hectic) to talk perfumery with a group of lucky reporters, and let us in on some of his hygiene secrets.

What was your inspiration for making this fragrance?
"When I was first starting this product, oh, six years ago, I just really tried to think about all the kind of scents that I really like, and what I want to wear."

So before Driven, what exactly was it you were wearing?
"Well, when I was younger I used to wear [Davidoff] Cool Water."

Would you ever want to make a women's fragrance, or are you thinking of making another scent for men?
"Making a fragrance is a tough process, and it took me so long to get this one right, that I don't know about making any others. First I just want to get this one to sell, before I try anything else."

How would you describe your getting-ready routine? Are you a primper?
"I'm a pretty simple guy, I don't take care of myself like I should. I do iron, I iron everything I wear. I learned that from my dad. But not a whole lot, not like the other guys on the team. You'd be surprised, I see some of the guys putting on the cologne and getting fresh before games!"

So no gametime cologne for you?
"Definitely not, I spritz in the mornings or after games. Actually, I do the cloud — I spray and walk through the scent."

What do you do when you're not perfecting your cologne application?
Well now that I've been DHing [Ed note: Designated Hitter], I've got a lot more down time and I get bored sometimes, so I've been snacking a lot, and watching all the playoff games."

Avon Derek Jeter Driven Eau de Toilette Spray, $28, available at Avon.
Avon Derek Jeter Driven Black Eau de Toilette Spray, $28, available at Avon.

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