What was your inspiration for making this fragrance?
"When I was first starting this product, oh, six years ago, I just really tried to think about all the kind of scents that I really like, and what I want to wear."
So before Driven, what exactly was it you were wearing?
"Well, when I was younger I used to wear [Davidoff] Cool Water."
Would you ever want to make a women's fragrance, or are you thinking of making another scent for men?
"Making a fragrance is a tough process, and it took me so long to get this one right, that I don't know about making any others. First I just want to get this one to sell, before I try anything else."
How would you describe your getting-ready routine? Are you a primper?
"I'm a pretty simple guy, I don't take care of myself like I should. I do iron, I iron everything I wear. I learned that from my dad. But not a whole lot, not like the other guys on the team. You'd be surprised, I see some of the guys putting on the cologne and getting fresh before games!"
So no gametime cologne for you?
"Definitely not, I spritz in the mornings or after games. Actually, I do the cloud — I spray and walk through the scent."
What do you do when you're not perfecting your cologne application?
Well now that I've been DHing [Ed note: Designated Hitter], I've got a lot more down time and I get bored sometimes, so I've been snacking a lot, and watching all the playoff games."