No, you normally don't associate jewelry and home design with trends in economic globalism, but the duo behind Design Glut have drawn as much inspiration from macroeconomics as some other Brooklyn crafties have drawn from birds and woodland creatures. We're familiar with the ladies—Kegan Fisher and Liz Kinnmark—but we thought we'd pass on this lovely interview they did with the good people of Flavorwire, nonetheless. The pair come across as irreverent, cockeyed, and giddy as their work. To wit, when asked when she realized she had become a full-time designer, Kinnmark said, "Like two days ago when I had a panic attack wondering what if we take orders beyond what we can do! It happens constantly. We're in this tunnel, feeling around in the dark, and every once in a while you'll see a little bit farther, and it'll hit you, "'this is terrifying!'" Get used to it, dears. (Flavorwire)