Designer Nick Olsen Dishes Some Smart Tips For Decorating Seriously Small Spaces

We've got a serious case of apartment envy right now. We're used to small city spaces, but they almost never look as nice as the less-than-300-foot apartment designer Nick Olsen fixed up for his friend. In this House Beautiful video, Olsen dishes out some tips for decorating small spaces. One of our favorite tidbits takes us back to our college days, as the designer uses bed raisers to create more spaces for storage. While we hope to leave dorm-room-(not so)-chic look behind in, well, our dorm room days, finding ways to make space is a must no matter what. We also love that he didn't shy away from bold colors and patterns—rather, the bright greens, reds, and stripes made the tiny room more cozy and inviting. Alright, who else ready for a little DIY apartment makeover? (Apartment Therapy)

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