Raise your hand if you started the holiday season with good intentions: only sparkling water at cocktail hour, veggies and dip if you must visit the appetizer bar, 6 a.m. workouts followed by dry-oil massages to keep your skin glowing like the lights in Union Square. Keep your hand raised if the sparkling water "magically" turned to spiked eggnog, if crab puffs smothered in hollandaise found their way to your unsuspecting lips, if your trainer stopped setting his morning alarm, and if the only glowing oil in the vicinity is the stuff oozing from your stressed-out, partied-out, Decembered-out complexion. We see your hand in the air, and we see you sweating in your effort to keep it there, you holiday hot mess.
Instead of giving up on day two, follow us to Valencia Street, between 21st and Liberty, where Valérie Grandury and Romain Gaillard have just opened The Detox Market. To create this one-stop shop for the best green products in the world, Valérie and Romain test hundreds of labels to find their favorites in every category from food and drink to cosmetics and kids' goods. The result is a selection of hard-to-find brands — many we'd never even heard of before — all of which meet the requirements of zero toxicity, high efficiency, and stand-out style (gorgeous packaging alert!).
In addition to being grateful to this spot for getting us back on the healthy-living bandwagon, we're also smitten with the owners' obsession with the 'hood. Of his decision to locate The Detox Market in the Mission Romain says, "Valencia has been my favorite street since I first moved to San Francisco eight years ago. I always felt that it was one of the most creative areas in the city, and our concept is unique and disruptive, so it fit perfectly." We couldn't agree more.
And as if stepping into the fresh, bright interior of The Detox Market weren't inspiration enough, the range of products will definitely motivate you to clean up your act for 2012. For starters, flush out the butter backlog with wellness teas from Kusmi, pamper with organic skincare from Odacité (founded by Valérie and Romain themselves!), and renew with a juice regimen from local San Francisco favorite Can Can Cleanse. It'll be like the holidays never happened!
The Detox Market, 969 Valencia Street (between 21st and Liberty streets); 415-826-1600. Follow its event schedule on Facebook for complimentary product demonstrations, tastings, and other interactive events.
Photo: Courtesy of The Detox Market