Does Elizabeth Hurley ever age? Seriously she looked crazy-good at an NYC breast cancer event—Faustian deal perhaps? (Daily Mail)
OK, so it's not neccessarily a New York story, but Gawker's Brian Moylan made us cry with this post on being a gay teenager today in America. Sadly, it still gets worse before it gets better. Shame. (Gawker)
P. Diddy wore a kilt. Somewhere, Alan Cumming and Marc Jacobs are jealous. (Huffington Post)
Our fave Greenpoint spot, Alter, opens in 'Billyburg. Now we don't have to trekout to get those $35 Cheap Monday sunnies. (Racked)
How. Can. This. Be. Possible? Our go-to Indian joint, Tabla, is closing. Where are we going to get Tikka Masala now? (Observer)