There are makeup artists, and there are makeup geniuses — people who take the art of painting faces to a transcendent dimension, who don't just subscribe to so-called ideals of beauty, but challenge them. They turn these standards on their perfectly coiffed heads and inspire scores of inspiration with the bat of an eyelash or the turn of a cheek. Peter Philips, the creative and image director of Dior Makeup, epitomizes this type of genius.
Case in point: The mirrored liners at this past season's Dior show, which Philips says are the ideal mix of clean and futuristic. He also cleverly arranged to have them reproduced en masse and packaged for consumers — they'll hit stores in January. "It's up to me to seduce [women] with creations and products," Philips says in the above video interview with T: The New York Times Style Magazine. "I can't dictate or tell [her] what to wear, because she wouldn't accept it."
That may very well be true, but whatever it is Philips is selling, we are most certainly buying it. Watch the video for more gorgeous views of the looks at Dior and to hear him speak about the concept of modern beauty. [T]
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