You Can Do It! Make A Cool Laptop Case This Weekend

We just recently discovered Fabric Paper Glue, a DIY blog that's the brainchild adorable local artist Mandy Pellegrin, and we're a little obsessed. Pellegrin is the quintessential artsy type, and she specializes in easy craft projects and tasty cocktails — literally, our two favorite things in the world.
We just spied her tutorial for a crazy-unique laptop case, and, suffice it to say, we just can't get enough — like, we might even be willing to dust off the sewing machine this weekend if our version would turn out as professional-looking as Pellegrin's. Even if you're not the handiest when it comes to crafts, you can still cop some of her style: She sells her cute, bright leather goods on Etsy. Find the full step-by-step here, and get ready to have the coolest laptop in town. (Fabric Paper Glue)

Photo: Courtesy of Fabric Paper Glue


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